Saturday 1 October 2011

What are the immediate benefits of exercise?

What are the immediate benefits of exercise?
There are several direct rewards for anyone who starts a regular program of exercise.
Feeling better.  When patients complain to me of feeling tired and of not having much energy, I assure them that if they will begin exercising, within two weeks they will feel like different people.  When they return to my office, they almost always say that they did start feeling better almost immediately. 
Increase in mental alertness.  Many people who feel mentally lethargic find that exercise seems to increase alertness.
Weight is easier to control.  The best way to control weight is by eating properly and exercise regularly.  It is much more sensible to do both than to rely on either one alone for weight control.
Less illness and fewer accidents.  Studies have shown that if employees exercise and keep physically fit, there is an increase in productivity as a result of a decline in absenteeism and accidents.  This translates into money savings for businesses.  Companies with employees who exercise and stay in good physical shape have one-half of the insurance premium costs of companies whose employees are not staying fit.  Your ultimate income and productivity is dependent on staying fit and healthy – both at home and on the job.

Copy typed by Shirley-Ann Pearman
An excerpt from page 816 of “1250 Health-Care Questions Women Ask With Straightforward Answers by an Obstetrician/Gynecologist” (by Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., M.D. with Susan Nethery)