Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Physical Fitness (Exercise)

Physical Fitness (Exercise)

Physical fitness is a combination of qualities that enable a person to perform well in vigorous physical activity, and strength.  Physical fitness and good health are not the same, though each influences the other.  Healthy people may be physically unfit because they do not exercise regularly.  Physically fit people perform their usual tasks easily without tiring. 

Better physical performance is only one benefit of physical fitness.  Regular vigorous exercise also increases the efficiency and capacity of the heart and lungs and helps people maintain their proper weight.  Individuals who are physically fit tend to be slimmer than those who are unfit.  They have greater resistance to disease and recover faster if they do become ill.  Physically fit people may be happier and more alert and relaxed.  They also may be able to resist the effects of aging better than those who are physically unfit.

Principles Of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is a personal responsibility.  Few individuals other than athletes and military personnel are actually required to participate in organized fitness programmes.  Most people are physically unfit simply because they do not get enough exercise.  Many do not take the time to exercise, and others try to stay fit with only light, infrequent activity.

A person’s physical fitness is determined by such factors as age, heredity, and behavior.  Although people cannot control their age or heredity, their behavior can help them become physically fit and stay that way.  Individuals vary greatly in their capacity for physical fitness but almost anyone can improve by exercising regularly.

The years between adolescence and middle age are the peak period for physical fitness.  However, people of the peak period for physical fitness.  However, people of all ages can stay fit with good health habits and regular exercise.  Any person more than 35 years old, and anyone with a health problem, should consult a doctor before beginning a fitness programme.

Health habits that aid physical fitness include getting enough sleep, eating properly, receiving regular medical and dental care, and maintaining personal cleanliness.  Health can be harmed by overeating and eating the wrong kinds of foods; smoking ; and drug abuse, including excessive use of alcohol.  Harmful health habits can undo the results of regular exercise.

A person’s level of physical fitness depends largely on how frequently and intensely he or she exercises.  Most health experts agree that people should exercise at least three times a week to maintain desirable fitness.  Improvement occurs faster with more frequent workouts.

Physical fitness experts recommend a 30 minute workout of continuous exercise.  The exercise need not be difficult or strenuous.  However, as a person’s condition improves, he or she should increase the number of times each activity is performed.  Every workout should include three basic types of exercise: 

Flexibility exercise,
Endurance exercise, and
Strength exercises

Flexibility exercises, such as bending, turning, and twisting movements, stretch the connective tissues and move the joints through a wide range of motions.  These exercises cut the risk of injury from strenuous exercise and reduce muscle soreness.  They should be performed before and after each workout.

Endurance exercises include cycling, running, and swimming.  These activities, also call aerobic exercises, raise the rate of heartbeat and breathing and strengthen the circulatory and respiratory systems.

Strength exercises include pull-ups, pushups, situps, and exercises with weights.  They strengthen the arms and shoulders and other muscular parts of the body.

Physical Fitness Programmes

School Programmes help children develop good physical fitness habits.  Fitness during childhood influences fitness as an adult.  By the time most people reach adulthood, their fitness habits have been firmly established. 

It has been recommended that all primary and secondary schools should provide a daily exercise period  of at least 20 minutes.  This period should include vigorous activities designed to develop agility, endurance, flexibility, ad strength.

An effective school programme should offer regular health examinations, courses in health care, and performance tests to measure students’ progress in physical fitness.  Such a programme also provides instruction in running, throwing, and other skills, and special programmes for handicapped and retarded students.

Physical fitness programmes should teach the younger children simple exercises and progress to more complicated ones as the children mature.  Older pupils can participate in such activities as gymnastics, swimming, and dual and team sports.  Secondary school programmes should include intramural sports, which involve competition among students of the same school and interscholastic sports, in which schools compete against one another.

Community programmes contribute to the physical fitness of the people by increasing the opportunities for exercise.  A community needs leadership, adequate facilities, and good organization to develop successful fitness programmes.  These programmes should meet the needs of residents with different interests and skills. 

In many communities, schools become recreation and fitness centre during evenings and weekends and on days when the regular classes are not held.  Schools can offer sports equipment and such facilities as gyms, playing fields, running tracks, and swimming pools.  Some communities have special paths for cycling and jogging.

Many business companies, labour and service organizations, churches, private clubs, and park and recreation agencies provide facilities and instructors for community programmes.  A number of firms have fitness programmes for their own employees.

The World Book

Thursday, 14 April 2011



Walking, is a competitive sport, is a race between two or more people, or against time.  Most races are held at distances ranging from 5 to 50 kilometers.  In one event, the winner is decided by which competitor covers the greatest distance in two hours. 

Competitive walkers developed a method of walking called “heel-and-toe”.  A long stride lands the foot on the heel and swings the walker forward to put weight quickly on the toe.  The toe acts as a springboard for the next stride.  At least part of one foot must always be on the ground and the leg must be completely straight, or locked, momentarily during each step.  A nonracer walks 1.6 kilometers in 15 to 20 minutes.  A heel-and-toe expert can walk the same distance in 6 ½ minutes, only 2 ½ minutes slower than a champion mile (1.6 km) runner.  Race walking is an Olympic sport.

Walking for pleasure provides thousands of people with a fairly easy method of taking regular exercise.  It also gives them a chance to get out into fresh air and beautiful countryside.  Traveling alone or in organized groups, walkers can take walking holidays along ancient footpaths.  In many areas, walkers can observe the beauty and variety of plants and wildlife along specially marked nature trails.

The World Book

Exercise Marketing



Jogging is a popular form of exercise and recreation in which a person runs at a steady, moderate pace.  The actual pace depends on the individual’s ability, but it should be one at which the jogger can talk without becoming breathless.  Since the mid-1960’s millions of people all over the world have started to jog.  The popularity of jogging stems from its health-giving benefits and its simplicity.  The only equipment needed is loose clothing and cushioned, well-fitting, flexible shoes. 

Jogging builds and maintains physical fitness by improving the function of the circulatory and respiratory systems.  It strengthens leg muscles and aids in weight control.  Jogging also helps relieve mental stress and provides an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.

To obtain the full benefits of jogging, an individual should develop a programme that includes at least three jogs of 3 kilometers every week.  An inexperienced jogger should start with short distances and gradually  work up to 3 kilometers or more.  At first, brisk walking may be substituted for periods of jogging.  People more than 33 years old should have a complete medical examination before starting a jogging programme.

The World Book

Exercise Marketing

Monday, 11 April 2011



Yoga is a term that has two meanings.  It is both (1) a school of thought in the Hindu religion and (2) a system of mental and physical exercise developed by that school.  Followers of the yoga school, who are called yogis or yogins, use yoga exercise to achieve their goal of isolation of the soul from the body and mind.  Many non-Hindus in Western countries practice some form of yoga exercise in hope of improving their health and achieving peace of mind.  The word yoga means discipline in Sanskirt, the classical language of India.

According to the yoga school, every human being consists of prakrti and purusha.  Prakriti includes a person’s body mind, and ego (conscious self).  Purusha is pure, empty consciousness - the soul.  The yoga school teaches that the soul is completely separate from the rest of a person, but the person does not realize it.  Human beings suffer because they wrongly believe that their soul is bound to their body and mind.  The yoga school, through yoga exercise, aims to give people prajna (understanding) of the meaning of their soul.  After a person has obtained this understanding, his or her soul will gain moksha (release) from the samsara (cycle of rebirth) in which Hindus believe. 

A yogi, under the guidance of a guru (teacher), goes through eight stages of training on the way to moksha.  The yogi learns:  (1) disciplined behaviour, call yama; (2) self-purification (niyama); (3) bodily postures, such as the lotus position (asanal); (4) control of breathing (pranaya); (5) control of the senses (pratyahara); (6) fixing of the mind on a chosen object (dharana); and (7) meditation (dhyana).  The eighth stage, called samadhi, is a state of concentration in which yogis realize that their soul is pure and free, and empty of all content.  A yogi who has completed these eight stages has reached kaivalya.  Kaivalya is total isolation of the soul from the body, from all other souls, and from all of nature. 

In addition to the practices of the yoga school, other popular forms of yoga exist in the religious traditions of India.  One form, called bhakti-yoga, involves the dedication of all actions and thoughts to a chosen god.  Another form, karma-yoga, involves doing one’s duty without caring about reward.  A third form, hatha-yoga, stresses difficult bodily postures and breathing techniques, with better health as the main goal.

Various forms of yoga have become popular in Western countries.  One form, Transcendental Meditation, requires less mental concentration than does the yoga of Hinduism.  Members of the Hare Krishna movement practice bhakti-yoga by devoting themselves to the supreme god Krishna.  Hatha-yoga has been called a method of gaining perfect health.  It strengthens the body and has also been studied for the unusual control some yogis develop over such functions as metabolism and blood flow.

Yoga includes exercises and postures that its followers believe help isolate the soul from the body and mind.  The yogi shown above is meditating while sitting in the lotus
The World Book

Exercise Marketing

Wednesday, 6 April 2011



Aerobics is a system of exercises designed to promote the supply and use of oxygen in the body.  These exercises include bicycling, dancing, jogging, rowing, skating, swimming, and fast walking.  Many people participate in aerobics programmes to increase their endurance and energy and to achieve and maintain their proper weight.  Regular aerobic exercise may also help lessen the risk of heart disease.

A regular, vigorous programme of aerobic exercises helps the body process large amounts of oxygen efficiently. The presence of oxygen in the muscle cells causes the formation of a compound called adenosine troposphere (ATP).  The breakdown of ATP produces the energy for all muscular activity.  During vigorous activity more oxygen is inhaled and passes from the lungs into the blood.  More oxygen-rich  blood is delivered to the muscles, creating more ATP.  This increased amount of ATP produces more energy for the body.  If the circulatory system cannot supply enough oxygen to the muscles or if the muscles cannot use oxygen efficiently, the body produces less ATP.  This results in early fatigue.

For maximum effectiveness, individuals should perform aerobic exercises continuously for 15 minutes to an hour 3 to 5 times a week.  Men and women over the age of 35 should get a medical examination before beginning aerobics.

The World Book

Exercise Marketing

Monday, 4 April 2011

Physical Fitness (Exercise)

Physical Fitness (Exercise)

Physical fitness is a combination of qualities that enable a person to perform well in vigorous physical activity, and strength.  Physical fitness and good health are not the same, though each influences the other.  Healthy people may be physically unfit because they do not exercise regularly.  Physically fit people perform their usual tasks easily without tiring. 

Better physical performance is only one benefit of physical fitness.  Regular vigorous exercise also increases the efficiency and capacity of the heart and lungs and helps people maintain their proper weight.  Individuals who are physically fit tend to be slimmer than those who are unfit.  They have greater resistance to disease and recover faster if they do become ill.  Physically fit people may be happier and more alert and relaxed.  They also may be able to resist the effects of aging better than those who are physically unfit.

Principles Of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is a personal responsibility.  Few individuals other than athletes and military personnel are actually required to participate in organized fitness programmes.  Most people are physically unfit simply because they do not get enough exercise.  Many do not take the time to exercise, and others try to stay fit with only light, infrequent activity.

A person’s physical fitness is determined by such factors as age, heredity, and behavior.  Although people cannot control their age or heredity, their behavior can help them become physically fit and stay that way.  Individuals vary greatly in their capacity for physical fitness but almost anyone can improve by exercising regularly.

The years between adolescence and middle age are the peak period for physical fitness.  However, people of the peak period for physical fitness.  However, people of all ages can stay fit with good health habits and regular exercise.  Any person more than 35 years old, and anyone with a health problem, should consult a doctor before beginning a fitness programme.

Health habits that aid physical fitness include getting enough sleep, eating properly, receiving regular medical and dental care, and maintaining personal cleanliness.  Health can be harmed by overeating and eating the wrong kinds of foods; smoking ; and drug abuse, including excessive use of alcohol.  Harmful health habits can undo the results of regular exercise.

A person’s level of physical fitness depends largely on how frequently and intensely he or she exercises.  Most health experts agree that people should exercise at least three times a week to maintain desirable fitness.  Improvement occurs faster with more frequent workouts.

Physical fitness experts recommend a 30 minute workout of continuous exercise.  The exercise need not be difficult or strenuous.  However, as a person’s condition improves, he or she should increase the number of times each activity is performed.  Every workout should include three basic types of exercise: 

Flexibility exercise,
Endurance exercise, and
Strength exercises

Flexibility exercises, such as bending, turning, and twisting movements, stretch the connective tissues and move the joints through a wide range of motions.  These exercises cut the risk of injury from strenuous exercise and reduce muscle soreness.  They should be performed before and after each workout.

Endurance exercises include cycling, running, and swimming.  These activities, also call aerobic exercises, raise the rate of heartbeat and breathing and strengthen the circulatory and respiratory systems.

Strength exercises include pull-ups, pushups, situps, and exercises with weights.  They strengthen the arms and shoulders and other muscular parts of the body.

Physical Fitness Programmes

School Programmes help children develop good physical fitness habits.  Fitness during childhood influences fitness as an adult.  By the time most people reach adulthood, their fitness habits have been firmly established. 

It has been recommended that all primary and secondary schools should provide a daily exercise period  of at least 20 minutes.  This period should include vigorous activities designed to develop agility, endurance, flexibility, ad strength.

An effective school programme should offer regular health examinations, courses in health care, and performance tests to measure students’ progress in physical fitness.  Such a programme also provides instruction in running, throwing, and other skills, and special programmes for handicapped and retarded students.

Physical fitness programmes should teach the younger children simple exercises and progress to more complicated ones as the children mature.  Older pupils can participate in such activities as gymnastics, swimming, and dual and team sports.  Secondary school programmes should include intramural sports, which involve competition among students of the same school and interscholastic sports, in which schools compete against one another.

Community programmes contribute to the physical fitness of the people by increasing the opportunities for exercise.  A community needs leadership, adequate facilities, and good organization to develop successful fitness programmes.  These programmes should meet the needs of residents with different interests and skills. 

In many communities, schools become recreation and fitness centre during evenings and weekends and on days when the regular classes are not held.  Schools can offer sports equipment and such facilities as gyms, playing fields, running tracks, and swimming pools.  Some communities have special paths for cycling and jogging.

Many business companies, labour and service organizations, churches, private clubs, and park and recreation agencies provide facilities and instructors for community programmes.  A number of firms have fitness programmes for their own employees.

The World Book